The Ruling Regarding the Authentication, Tadlis and Mu’un’un Narrations of Ibn Fadālah
ابن فضالہ کی توثیق ،تدلیس اور معنعن روایت کا حکم
Ibn Fadālah, Tawthiq, Tadlis, Mu’un’un, Riwayat-e-Hadith, Hadith-e-Nabvi ﷺAbstract
Riwayat-o-Dirayat are not only the fundamental concepts for Muhadithin (Scholars of Ahadith), but they also consider it the knowledge of Ahadith (علم الحدیث). It is essential to adhere to the Quranic methodology and requirements to transmit a Hadith as it is narrated by the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The teaching of the Sunnah emphasizes the need to propagate it while ensuring the absence of any ambiguity or confusion. For these fundamental principles, muhaddithin have worked extensively. This includes addressing issues such as Tadlis (تدلیس) and un’una (عنعنہ). It is unanimously agreed among muhadithin that the un’una (عنعنہ) of a mudallis narrator is one reason for a Hadith to be considered za’iif (ضعیف حدیث). However, at times, some mudallisin use terms like "‘un" or "qāl" to convey the narration, but muhaddithin still consider their narration to be authentic and connected, and the un’ana of the mudallis narration is considered harmless.
There are some mudallisin (narrators who practice tadlees) who engage in tadlis exclusively with certain teachers. Therefore, the authenticity of their narration will be sought, while their mu’an’an narratives from other scholars will be conveyed. Two means can be employed to acquire this knowledge. Muhadithin have extensively discussed Ibn Fadālah, and all of his narrations have been subject to much debate. This study will refer to narrators who engage in tadlis, but in certain instances, their un’un’ narrations may be accepted as valid and connected.