Peer Review Policy


Al-Noor Journal for Humanities is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and publishing high-quality research. This peer review policy outlines the process for evaluating manuscripts submitted to the journal.

Peer Review Process

  • Double-Blind Review: All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process. The identities of both the author(s) and reviewers are kept anonymous throughout the process.
  • Selection of Reviewers: Editors select qualified reviewers with expertise in the relevant field of study. Reviewers are chosen based on their publication record, research interests, and potential for providing a fair and objective evaluation.
  • Review Criteria: Reviewers assess manuscripts based on the following criteria:
    • Originality of research topic and contribution to the field
    • Soundness of research methodology and data analysis
    • Clarity and coherence of writing and argument
    • Proper citation and referencing
    • Adherence to the journal's formatting and style guidelines

Reviewer Responsibilities

  • Reviewers are expected to provide a thorough and constructive review of the manuscript.
  • Reviews should identify both strengths and weaknesses of the research.
  • Reviewers should maintain confidentiality and avoid any potential conflict of interest.
  • Reviews should be submitted within the designated timeframe.

Editorial Decisions

Based on the reviewers' reports, the editor-in-chief makes the final decision on manuscript acceptance, revision, or rejection. The editor may consult with associate editors or seek additional reviews if necessary.

Communication with Authors

Authors will receive a notification regarding the editorial decision along with the reviewers' comments (with reviewer anonymity maintained). For manuscripts requiring revisions, authors are expected to address the reviewers' concerns in a timely manner.

Ethical Considerations

Al-Noor Journal for Humanities adheres to ethical guidelines for scholarly publishing. The journal expects authors to comply with ethical research practices, including proper authorship attribution, data integrity, and avoidance of plagiarism.

Continuous Improvement

The journal's peer review process is continuously evaluated and improved. We welcome feedback from authors and reviewers to ensure the quality and fairness of our review process.