Paper Prints Policy


Al-Noor Journal is committed to promoting the dissemination of scholarly research while respecting the intellectual property rights of authors. This policy outlines the guidelines for the printing and distribution of published articles.

Print Copies

  • Al-Noor Journal retains a print archive of published issues for historical and reference purposes.
  • Authors are not entitled to a specific number of complimentary printed copies upon publication.

Electronic Access

  • All published articles are accessible electronically through the Al-Noor Journal website and the official website of Iraqi academic journals.
  • This online access allows for wider dissemination and discoverability of research.

Author Rights and Self-Archiving

  • Articles published in Al-Noor Journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
  • This license allows authors to retain copyright of their work while permitting others to reuse, adapt, and share it with proper attribution.
  • Authors are encouraged to share their published articles on their personal websites, institutional repositories, and other online platforms.

Reprints and Permissions

  • Authors who wish to print physical copies of their articles for personal or educational use may do so without prior permission from the journal.
  • For any other form of distribution, including reprints for commercial purposes, translation, or adaptation, authors must obtain written permission from Al-Noor Journal.
  • Permission requests should be directed to the journal editor and should specify the intended use of the material.

Copyright and Infringement

  • Al-Noor Journal takes copyright infringement seriously.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and obtaining necessary permissions for any copyrighted material included in their articles.
  • The journal reserves the right to take legal action against any copyright infringement.


This policy aims to balance the interests of authors in sharing their research with the need to protect intellectual property rights. By following these guidelines, Al-Noor Journal and its authors can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and scholarship.