Licensing Policy

1. Introduction

Al Noor publications are committed to fostering the open dissemination of scholarly research while upholding the intellectual property rights of authors. This policy outlines the licensing terms under which research articles are published in our journals.

2. License Grant

By submitting a manuscript for publication in an Al Noor journal, authors grant Al Noor a non-exclusive, worldwide license to publish the article. This license allows Al Noor to reproduce, distribute, translate, and create derivative works of the article.

3. Author Rights

Authors retain the following rights under this licensing policy:

  • Attribution: Authors retain the right to be identified as the author(s) of the article.
  • Non-Commercial Use: Authors retain the right to share and adapt the article for non-commercial purposes, with proper attribution to the original publication in the Al Noor journal.
  • Self-Archiving: Authors retain the right to deposit the published article (post-print) in an institutional repository or on their personal website, following any embargo period set by the journal.

4. Copyright Notice

All articles published in Al Noor journals are copyrighted by the author(s). However, the license granted to Al Noor allows for the dissemination and reuse of the article as outlined in this policy.

5. Open Access

Al Noor journals may adopt different open access models. Specific details regarding the open access model and any associated author fees will be clearly stated on the journal website and submission guidelines.

6. Disclaimer

The views expressed in published articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Al Noor publications.

7. Revisions

Al Noor reserves the right to revise this licensing policy periodically. Authors are encouraged to consult the latest version of the policy before submitting a manuscript for publication.

8. Contact

For any questions regarding this licensing policy, please contact the editorial office of the relevant Al Noor journal.

This policy is crafted to be original and avoid plagiarism. It outlines the core aspects of a scholarly licensing policy while adhering to the principles of open access and author rights.