Bahth wa Istidlal fi Ulūm al-Din (بحث واستدلال في علوم الدين): Research and Argumentation in Religious Sciences
Islamic theology, kalām, beliefs, doctrines, Ash'ariyya, Mu'tazila, Maturidiyya, reason, revelation, tradition, philosophy, law, mysticism, contemporary relevanceAbstract
Islamic theology, also known as 'ʿilm al-kalām', is a rich and diverse field of study that encompasses the beliefs, doctrines, and practices of Islam. It is a dynamic and evolving discipline that has been shaped by the intellectual and historical context of the Muslim world. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic theology, covering its origins, development, and key concepts. It explores the major theological schools and traditions within Islam, including Ash'ariyya, Mu'tazila, and Maturidiyya. The book also examines the role of reason, revelation, and tradition in Islamic thought. In addition, the book discusses the relationship between Islamic theology and other fields of knowledge, such as philosophy, law, and mysticism. It also considers the contemporary relevance of Islamic theology in the modern world. This book is an essential resource for anyone who wants to understand the intellectual and spiritual foundations of Islam. It is a valuable contribution to the study of religion and Islamic thought.