Al-Bahth al-Naqdi (البحث النقدي): The Critical Investigation
Islamic culture, Islamic civilization, art, science, philosophy, Islam, architecture, painting, calligraphy, music, poetry, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, alchemy, universities, libraries, al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sina, theology, mysticism, legacyAbstract
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic culture and civilization, focusing on the arts, sciences, and philosophy of the Islamic world. The book begins with a discussion of the origins and early development of Islam, and then goes on to examine the major contributions of Muslims to art, science, and philosophy. In the realm of art, the book discusses the development of Islamic architecture, painting, and calligraphy. The book also explores the role of music and poetry in Islamic culture. In the realm of science, the book discusses the contributions of Muslims to mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and alchemy. The book also examines the development of Islamic universities and libraries. In the realm of philosophy, the book discusses the work of major Islamic philosophers, such as al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd, and Ibn Sina. The book also examines the development of Islamic theology and mysticism. The book concludes with a discussion of the legacy of Islamic culture and civilization. The book argues that Islamic culture and civilization has had a profound impact on the world, and that it continues to be a vital force in the world today.`