Al-Bahth al-Taḥlīli (البحث التحليلي): The Analytical Research
traits, compassion, honesty, justice, selflessnessAbstract
Islamic ethics, derived from the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), provides a comprehensive framework for guiding human behavior and promoting a just and harmonious society. These ethical principles are not merely abstract ideals but practical guidelines for everyday life. Islamic ethics provides a comprehensive framework for moral conduct and spiritual development. It encompasses a wide range of principles and virtues that guide individuals and communities towards a life of righteousness and integrity. Islamic ethics is not merely a set of abstract rules or ideals; it is a practical and dynamic system that permeates every aspect of human life. It offers guidance on how to interact with oneself, with others, and with the natural world. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating noble character traits, such as compassion, honesty, justice, and selflessness.