Islamic Spirituality: A Study of the Sufi Path and other Islamic Spiritual Traditions
Sufism, Islamic spirituality, Tasawwuf, Ihsan, Ma'rifatullah, Love of God, Stations and States, Purification of the Soul, Self-Disciplinary Practices, Spiritual Techniques, Zikr, Dhikr,Abstract
This comprehensive volume delves into the rich tapestry of Islamic spirituality, exploring its diverse expressions and profound impact on the lives of Muslims throughout history. With a focus on Sufism, the esoteric dimension of Islam, the book illuminates the core principles, practices, and historical development of this mystical tradition. It examines the contributions of eminent Sufi figures, including Rumi, al-Ghazali, and Ibn Arabi, and explores the various Sufi orders and their unique approaches to spiritual development. In addition to Sufism, the book also examines other Islamic spiritual traditions, including Shi'i spirituality, Ikhwani spirituality, and the spiritual practices of ordinary Muslims. It highlights the common themes that unite these diverse traditions, such as the emphasis on divine love, remembrance of God, and the pursuit of inner purification Engaging with a wide range of sources, including Quranic verses, hadith, Sufi poetry, and historical accounts, the book provides a nuanced and insightful exploration of Islamic spirituality. It bridges the gap between academic scholarship and the lived experiences of Muslims, offering a valuable resource for both scholars and those seeking a deeper understanding of Islamic spirituality.