Comparative Analysis of the Moods of Arabic and Urdu Poetry

عربی اور اردوشاعری کے مزاج کا تقابلی جائزہ


  • عتیق الرحمٰن شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ،لاہورلیڈزیونیورسٹی،لاہور Author


Arabic poetry, Urdu poetry, cultural background, culture, comparison


The study of poetry in any language in the world emphasizes the importance of first understanding the cultural and historical background of that language. In this context, the exploration of the language and its poetry is not presented as a simple and smooth surface but rather as a complex interplay of two different levels. The first level reflects the history of the land and region, meaning that the area and land adopt peculiarities through the interactions of the indigenous people and the incoming tribes from outside. The second level brings forth internal and cultural conflicts, presenting not only the characteristics of the land but also those of the sky. The amalgamation of these two levels shapes the cultural and historical background of a country or region, which has strong impact on the language and its poetry.

In the perspective of Urdu poetry, both the levels are present. The first level addresses physical conflicts, bringing to light the early inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent (Pakistan, India) who were entirely different from the nomadic and settled tribes that, at times, aggressively attacked them. Although these nomadic tribes, in one way or another, integrated into the society of the Indian subcontinent, their arrival led to a racial conflict. Each tribe was like a stone suddenly thrown into a still pond, creating ripples and waves over time.

The second level introduces cultural and internal conflicts. The place where Urdu poetry originates holds a unique taste and color, influenced by Tahzeeb-ul-Arwah, agricultural systems, seasons, and the soil.


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